Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Summer Camp Love!

Oh man, this was the song totally turned me on to Mariah Carey. All the whistle register stuff used to skeeve me out something fierce, not to mention that terrible and terribly spot on "I'll Be There" cover. Girl should not sound just like an eight-year-old boy. This video was so sweet, though; as a kid, it really made you want to have a secret summer love, something that in adult terms is actually awful. You can have your Shriekbat-Ingenue Mariah or your Sexual-Emancipation-from-Tommy-Motolla-Mariah or your Weird-Fight-with-Bitchy-Evil-Twin-for-the-Love-of-Jerry-O'-Connell Mariah, but I'll take Sweet-Tire-Swing Mariah every time.

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